From the Founder, Brian Mazza 3/24
When you’re ready.. you will!
There’s no damn motivational speaker good enough,
no self-help book detailed enough,no love strong enough,
no retreat, affirmation, meditation technique, crystal, podcast, plant medicine, seminar, mentor, healer, or Instagram quote that’s going to change you.
You’ll change when you’re ready—period. And you’ll be ready when you decide, not a second sooner.
When you finally make that change, you’ll credit it to whatever last-ditch thing you tried off your never-ending list. You’ll act like it was the miracle that turned your life around, telling everyone they should try it too. But let’s get real—it wasn’t that thing. It was you. It was you finally being fed up with your own bullshit.
It was you realizing you’d done enough of the crap people say you “should” do. It was you deciding you were done with spinning in circles, wasting time, money, and energy, and making excuses. And, most of all, it was you deciding you deserved better.
Until you get to that point, you’ll keep screwing up the chances life gives you, blaming everything—circumstances, timing, fate, even your mom (and, as a therapist, just kidding I’m not, I’ll tell you—it’s always at least a little bit her fault).
Nobody can motivate you but you.
Nobody can empower you but you.
Nobody can make you learn.
Nobody can make you change.
It’s on you. And the sooner you accept that, the better.
And if nothing I just said lit a fire under your ass, remember this: 150,000 people die every day. One day, it’ll be your turn.
Start your Monday off right!