From the Founder, Brian Mazza 12/30

Stop Lying To Yourself

As 2024 comes to a close, whether it’s been a good, bad, or just "meh" year, one thing is certain: come Tuesday at midnight, it’s over. You’re either finishing with a dull tool or you’ve sharpened your skills, ready for what’s next. So, what is next? Is it the tired “New Year, New Me” because you need change, or because your old habits haven’t served you (again)? Or is it “New Year, Let’s F’in Go,” because you’ve already built the positive habits that are setting you up to win? Ultimately, that’s all in the past. You can only look ahead. You can either focus on progress or decline, and the truth is, most people choose the latter.

One thing is clear: lying to yourself gets you nowhere. Pretending to work on self-improvement without actually taking the necessary steps to fix a broken blueprint won’t lead to change. A great example of this is seeing someone at the gym year after year with no visible change. Sure, going to the gym isn’t always about aesthetics, but for many people, it is. The reason they don’t see results is simple: their habits outside the gym haven’t changed. They’re not allowing their body to do the work that should accompany the effort they put in each week.

If you want to make meaningful changes, you must first stop lying to yourself. Then, you need to reverse-engineer your life. I regularly take inventory of the areas I want to improve. That old blueprint? It’s time for it to go. The plan that hasn’t worked needs to be replaced with a new one. So, before Tuesday night, take a moment to reflect, and make sure this "New Year, New You" isn’t just a wish, but an intentional, actionable shift.

1. What holds you back from accomplishing your personal goals? List 3 of those reasons.




2. List two/three things you want to work on and ultimately change?




3. Will #1 hold you back from accomplishing #2? Y/N

4. Who in your life holds you back, besides yourself?

5. How important are those relationships in your life?

6. If those people weren’t in your life, would you feel like your confidence would sky rocket?

7. What do you love most about yourself?

8. What do you hate most about yourself?

9. Let’s review #2, now that you know what’s holding you back, and what you love/hate about yourself, name three easy tasks you can crush every single day.




10. Does that align with what you want to change? Y/N

If YES, if you do these for 1 month consistently, you will accumulate enough small wins to start seeing significant changes in your life. If NO, then revisit what’s holding you back and what you want to change. 

Go slow you got this, but stop lying to yourself. 

Happy New Year!

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