Spotlights by Melissa Westphal 1/13

Interview with Sahil Bloom

Investor | Entrepreneur | Author

How has community changed your life?

There is scientific evidence that the people you surround yourself with determine your outcomes. The Pygmalion Effect is a behavior phenomenon that says that we rise or fall to the level of the expectations people have for us. If you surround yourself with a community of big thinkers who believe you are capable of more, you will rise to the level of those expectations. That is the power of community, plain and simple. I’ve seen it over and over again in my life. When I am around winners, I find myself winning.

You talk a lot about controlling the controllable, why is that so important?

There are so many things in life that are completely outside your control: Thoughts, opinions or actions of others, past or future events, random acts of god. And yet, we spend so much time and energy concerning ourselves over those things. Every single ounce of energy on those is an ounce that you could have deployed into things that you had control over. The answer is found in the action. 

One of your intentions for 2025 is to go “All In” what will indicate a daily win?

All in is all about not allowing your fear of failure to hold you back from stepping into the arena. A daily win is found in the willingness to put yourself out there, to put forth your fullest effort to achieve your desired outcomes. I plan to do that every single day and see what happens.


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